“but grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ…” (2 Peter 3:18).
Join us every Wednesday for our Bible Study or “Digging Deep.” We “dig deep” into the word of God to understand it more, receive direction for our lives and enter into deeper fellowship with Christ.
Our lessons are often organised into “series” – where we consider a topic in-depth by studying what the bible says about it. We have previously studied Grace, the Parables of Jesus (which we considered for about a year), Forgiveness, the Love of God, Family, the Last Days/End Times, etc. Our lessons look at every aspect of Christian life, from the spiritual, to the emotional, physical, family life, business, health, and so on. The bible is relevant for every area of life, and look to the bible for direction for every area of our lives.
So join us to hear what God has for you today!